Faran Lee Elowyn

About Me

Hello,My name is Faran Lee Elowyn.My pronouns are She\Her.I am a writer, editor, and crafter.My background is in literary analysis, creative writing, and communication. I have an MA in English and Creative Writing and a BA in communication studies.My experience includes over 12 years of support services in healthcare and retail, and over 5 years of experience in editing and beta reading.Writing and reading fantasy, punch needle embroidery, and hiking are some of my favorite activities. I also enjoy the company of my family and the solitude of a cozy corner.As a writer, I believe that everyone can tell a story. I want to hear those stories and, if asked, I will help storytellers find and grow their tales.Sending My Best,
Faran Lee Elowyn

Read my WIP, Farwing!

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Copyright Faran Lee Elowyn